Mohammed Elgizoly Adam
holds a Masters (LL.M) in Public International Law from Utrecht University. His experience includes working in the development sector in Darfur and Khartoum as well as working as a journalist for Free Press Unlimited (Radio Dabanga) in The Netherlands. -
Translated by: Gamal Ghallap
Writer and translator from Sudan. He published a narrative book dubbed 'Wandering tales ,'in 2002 in addition to 'Neglected fruits' a short story collection in addition to 'The tale of the man who interpreted water by water,' -
جمال طه غلاب
Writer and translator from Sudan. He published a narrative book dubbed 'Wandering tales ,'in 2002 in addition to 'Neglected fruits' a short story collection in addition to 'The tale of the man who interpreted water by water,' -
Gussai H. Sheikheldin
Gussai H. Sheikheldin is a scholar of technology and institutions (in societies and in economies). His interdisciplinary academic and career profilecombines engineering, public policy and sustainable development. Native of Sudanic Africa and resident of North America, he writes on academic and public platforms in both English and Arabic. Twitter: @GussaiHS. Email: -
ايمان شقاق
Iman Shaggag is a visual artist who has exhibited her work in Sudan, the United States, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Bulgaria and South Sudan. -
Lemya Shammat
Lemya Shammat is an essayist, short story writer, and critic. She has a PhD in English language and linguistics from the University of Khartoum and is an assistant professor at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. A member of the Sudanese Writers Union, Shammat has published a book on literary criticism and discourse analysis as well as a collection of short-short stories. She also translates between English and Arabic. -
لويز جليك
The author of numerous collections of poetry, Louise Glück is the recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature, served as a Chancellor for the Academy of American Poets, and twas the Library of Congress’s poet laureate consultant in poetry. -
مصعب سحنون
A Sudanese artist who obtained his Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts degree from the University of Sudan for Science and Technology. He works as a photography trainer in many training centers. He works as a photographer with the UNICEF Sudan office in addition to his work at SEEMA Center for Training and the Protection of women's and child's rights as a documenter and consultant. Musab also works as a designer consultant for BBC - Media Action / JUBA. Beside his job, he is involved in volunteerism work and he trains on arts and photography in many civil society organizations, and different United Nations agencies. He also designed some of the art training programs in many poor and marginalized areas and participated in the implementation of those programs. In partnership with a group of photographers, Musab Founded (Orange Group), which contributes to the development and promotion of artistic creativity. -
Gussai H. Sheikheldin
*Gussai H. Sheikheldin is a scholar of technology and institutions (in societies and in economies). His interdisciplinary academic and career profile combines engineering, public policy and sustainable development. Native of Sudanic Africa and resident of North America, he writes on academic and public platforms in both English and Arabic. Twitter: @GussaiHS Email: -
ساري عمر
Photographer and Graphic Designer, His photographic scope covers a wide range of Human Rights subjects and styles with the aim of self-reflection on the subjects that come across his way.Sari is also active in photography education and training in Sudan from time to time. -
سيلفيا بلاث
شاعرة أمريكية مواليد عام 1932م، تزوجت من الشاعر البريطاني تيد هيوز 1956م، أنجبت منه طفلتان ، عاشت سيلفيا حياة أليمة وكئيبة، تبدأ رحلتها مع الألم بوفاة والدها عام 1940 وهي في الثامنة من العمر، حيث شكّل الموت هاجساً لديها وتعيش حياتها غارقة في نوبات الاكتئاب، بدأت بكتابة الشعر وهي في السابعة عشر من عمرها ولها رواية وحيدة سردت فيها محاولتها الانتحار ودخولها في انهيار عصبي ثم مصحة للأمراض النفسية حيث تعرضت للصدمات الكهربائية، تنهي سيلفيا مشوارها في هذه الحياة بانتحارها عام 1963م وذلك بعد طلاقها من تيد هيوز بأشهر قليلة. -